July 2022 Newsletter: Empathy Without Pain

I hope this message finds you doing well and enJOYing my favorite time of the year. We are living in rapidly changing times, and it is more important than ever to develop healthy habits to stay in balance. Visiting the ocean, lakes or a pool is where I am most content these days. I hope this message helps you to take good care of yourself in these transformative and occasionally tumultuous times. This question comes up often in my … [Read more...]

Hide or Heal?

I have been practicing letting go with trust and faith these past few months. It's amazing how easy it is when all is well and challenging when we're letting go of so much and live in the space between our desires manifesting into reality. The degree of struggle is directly proportional to how strong my attachment is to the outcome. Getting a great parking spot at Christmas doesn't illicit the panic of a financial struggle, health crisis or … [Read more...]