Spring 2023 Newsletter – Flow

How are you doing these days? Are you feeling the rollercoaster of duality lately? So many ups and downs, deep losses, victories and sometimes both in the same day! If you are having trouble keeping your footing, try not to despair or feel like you are crazy. You are aligned with the global and personal energy shifts happening. Things are falling apart and coming together at the same time which can cause disequilibrium.

There seems to be 2 different realities we are experiencing. One based on love, community and compassion and one based on fear, lack and distrust. It is way bigger than the political right and left but that is a version of it too. You can feel it emotionally when you are in one or the other. I have been doing a few things that help me stay centered and not swinging like a pendulum most days. Maybe some may help you.

Being in Nature:

We all know that nature is healing but some of us indoor hermits need motivation to get our butts out there. I took a Forest Bathing workshop that was amazing, and no nakedness required. 😉 Nature Fix by Florence Williams is a great book explaining the physiologic and mental health benefits.

Being with Animals:

Pets and animals are so healing and grounding. My cat and dog are my little healers. I have also been enJOYing a beautiful, healing, horse farm called Equi-Evolution, which is 10 minutes from my home. The owner, Sam and her 5 rescue horses and a donkey named Vinnie have been my sanity these last 4 months. I have taught Reiki classes and a New Moon manifesting class there so far. Stay tuned for more. Also, Sam has Mindful Horse hours where you can go for an hour and meditate with these beautiful beings.

Power of Collective intentions:

There are many studies of the power of prayer when people gather at the same time with the same intention. Join my group of 10 friends saying these affirmations virtually at 8pm each night when we are able, to elevate our energy and send ripples of positivity across the planet. Here they are:

The earth is safe, loving and completely healed.

I surrender all fears and expectations.

I live in a world of joy, cooperation, honesty, peace and love.

I honor and respect my body as the priceless gift it is.

I create beautiful, harmonious, and joyful days for myself.

All my thoughts, decisions and choices are made from a place of love.

I see God’s light in everyone.

I speak the Angels’ messages with grace and ease.

All those I love are watched over and protected.

All is well, Always and in ALL ways.

Giving up Martyrdom:

I have heard over and over that our light “work” is done. We don’t need to sacrifice our physical and mental health for others anymore. When we do that, it is coming from fear and distrust that whoever we are martyring for needs us to fix something. Our ego minds tell us, “We are the ooooonly ones that can help,” and “What’s the big deal?” when we are tired or don’t want to. Sound familiar? Retire with me from this.

When we are in a state of peace, joy and trust that all is well for us and everyone else, we are of more service to humanity. If someone is in a ditch and you jump in, everyone is in trouble. Instead, stand on the edge of the ditch and offer love, support and encouragement. Say out loud or in your mind, “You got this! I can’t wait until things are better for you. Do you need a hug, water, a ladder, a shoulder to cry on?” are all helpful. Taking on their pain or doing for them what they are capable of doing for themselves is codependency. Then we blame them for “making” us do this. This is being a martyr, creates resentment and drama and adds to the negativity circulating out there. And most important, when we step back sometimes others get to step up!

Asking for Help

This is a crucial one and maybe hardest for us givers. Asking other people and our Angels, Guides and deceased loved ones for help is the only way we will get help. When we help others, if we’re not burnt out, it feels good, doesn’t it? Being the giver, all the time is actually selfish then as we get all the praise and called the heroes. So, by asking for help we are letting others feel good too and be a hero.


As the physical, emotional and/or mental waves crash around us, we have a choice to fight them and get tossed around or ride them. This one may sound silly but has been so incredibly effective lately. The Angels guided me in times of chaos or when caught up in the fear or negativity swirling around, to sing the “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” song. The words are a magic wand that makes me smile and rise above the chaos or drama because this life truly is a dream. Sing it with me…

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream.

If you want someone to sing it to you, Row, Row, Row Your Boat.  And I want to live in this magical place.

Self Care

What this looks like for me most days is moving my body in some way, hydrating, limiting my people-ing when my energy is low and meditating. Many are afraid of meditating as they feel they can’t do it “right.” The truth is you can’t do it wrong. Sometimes it feels wonderful and peaceful and often feels like a ping pong match of thoughts alternating with being. The current difference is I am accepting and flowing with either. Here’s a 5 Minute Body Scan Meditation I am LOVING. Who really doesn’t have 5 minutes to breathe, relax tense muscles, and just be?!? And if we don’t have time, we need it more than ever!

These are a few tips and tricks I am using currently to keep my head above water. I love you all so much. If you want a reading to connect with your loved ones and beautiful Beings of light, you can book it here: Schedule a Session with Jackie. I am still doing them over the phone and in person in my Woonsocket office. I have been doing phone sessions all 21 years and I find them often more powerful than in person as electricity is a powerful conductor of the Spirit world. And you don’t have to go anywhere!

Stay tuned for more fun gatherings at the horse farm with my new four-legged friends. If you want to hang out with me for the weekend this summer to play, soak up love in a beautiful setting with yummy food and beautiful love minded friends, I have space in my August Relaxation getaway. We will have a wonderful time in this magical spot in the woods on a peaceful lake. This is my 3rd Retreat there.

Thank you for again entrusting me with your hearts and the hearts of those you love. I can’t believe we are closing out my 21st year doing this Holy work full time. I had no idea in June of 2002 what a wonderful journey I was embarking on with all of you.

Wishing you, all those you love and even those that are hard to love blessings of peace, good health, JOY and abundance in all its forms. Happy Spring and almost Summer!

love, Love and MORE LOVE,

Jackie Eaton


  1. Donna Gaudette says

    Jackie, a big THANK YOU for this. As someone who used to do this work, I laid the price with my physical and spiritual health. I had to give up being general ma anger if the universe and am still a work in progress about changing the mindset that I am not responsible for what other people choose to do or not do. I wish you much health, happiness, peace and joy. ❤️

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