Awakening Your Joy Summer Getaway 2023

August 11, 2023 – August 13, 2023 all-day America/New York Timezone
Rolling Ridge Retreat Conference Center
660 Great Pond Road
North Andover
Deposit $300.00
Jackie Eaton

You are invited to gather with love minded friends to play and awaken your JOY at a lake front piece of heaven on earth. You will be nurtured with amazing meals that you don’t have to prepare ;), enjoy time alone, as well as gather for group activities and so much more while supported by your loving Angelights family.  You may arrive tired and needing some play time but are sure to leave energized with tools to bring the JOY and lightness you have experienced back home.

Say YES and join us as we leave our responsibilities behind to play and BE.  My prayer is everyone will have whatever resources they need whether it is financial abundance, childcare or time off, to join us for this amazing Retreat.

Space is limited. 

When: Friday, August 11- Sunday August 13        Check in: 4 pm
Checkout of room: 10am. Feel free to stay on property until 3pm with lunch at 12:30pm included. Extra night stay is also available.

Where: Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center, 660 Great Pond Road, North Andover, MA


~2 night’s stay in shared accommodations or Single room.

~6 Meals starting with Dinner Friday through lunch Sunday. **Please notify with signup if you require a special diet. **

~Time to play, rest and recharge and time to gather with love minded Angelights family.

~Awaken Your JOY Workshop to help you release blocks to fun. play and lifetimes of people pleasing. You will be given opportunities to discover what lights YOU up and how to bring this into your daily life.

~Create a Fairy dish as they know how to have fun!!!! All supplies included.

~Group Labyrinth Walk, Releasing Ceremony, Spirit Walk, Nature Healing and so much more.


  • Double Occupancy  $555.00 pp
  • Single Occupancy   $688.00 pp
  • Additional night: $111 without meals.

Payment Policy: Space is limited. Non-refundable $300 deposit due with sign-up to reserve your spot. Final Payment due 7/11/23.  Payments only refunded if you cancel before 4/1 and are replaced. Feel free to take advantage of the trip insurance below.


Find all details and sign up here: USI Travel Insurance.  You must purchase insurance within 14 days of paying deposit.

EnJOY pictures from our previous Rolling Ridge Retreats and their website.


Review from past Angelights Rolling Ridge Retreats

“We came together, a group of ladies that appeared worn out by the worries of the world, past and present. Over delicious meals and group activities we came to know and respect each other. As the Abba song Chiquitita goes, through the help of a loving friend, the walls came tumbling down. Our last day saw faces relaxed and smiling and eyes shining brightly. Treat yourself to an experience that will be life changing and introduce you to friendships that will last a lifetime.” Nina

“I just want you to know how amazing and beautiful I think you are. Thank you for hosting this wonderful weekend. I so enjoyed it! Silvia xo

“Thank you so much for organizing and leading the retreat at Rolling Ridge.  I came looking for peace and clarity.  Both of which I found. I appreciated both the scheduled events and the time we were left on our own to either contemplate or join with others.  I enjoyed meeting others of like mind.  And the food was fantastic!   I left the retreat to come home to quite a bit of instability, but I think that my time at Rolling Ridge really helped me deal with it in a positive way.  Teresa xoxo

“Thank you, Jackie, for your time, talent and love. You are a true blessing to all of us. I am so grateful for all you do and for each one of you that touched my soul.”  Lynn