May 2022 Newsletter: Choosing Love Amidst the Chaos

Wow.. what a journey we have been on since the last time I wrote to you. It has been a wild ride. No one I know got through it without some challenges. Our nervous systems and mental health have been taxed from the individual and collective fear racing across our dear planet home.

My Covid journey took me back into health care as an Assistant Nurse Manager of an inpatient Hospice unit when my husband’s company abruptly closed March 17th, 2020. It was an amazing, difficult, rewarding opportunity to work with and support the nurses at Hope Health Hulitar Hospice Center through one of the most challenging times in health care. They deservedly were rewarded the RI Monthly Nurse Team of the Year. I left in December after my husband got a wonderful position back in the travel industry last June. I am so glad I had the opportunity to go back to nursing and especially to work there as it was a strong pull for many years.

I am sure your journey was filled with challenges and the gifts of grace as well. There is still so much to process from the last few years, whether you lost a loved one, couldn’t be with them, a job, had the added stress of home schooling while working, dealt with fear of health issues or loneliness, were horrified by the George Floyd events or any other stress. As I look back and try to make sense of it all, I am still most saddened by the division, blame, hatred and powerlessness that is still so pervasive. I would have thought the past few years would have united us in our shared humanity and knowledge that we have such a powerful indelible effect on each other and this planet.

So where do we go from here? How do we as a collective come back to peace and stop blaming Covid, politicians, vaccines, left side, right side, masks, media, blacks, rich people, poor people, social media or our neighbors with different beliefs, bodies or truths? Can we release the powerlessness that was thrust upon us from the past few years of fear, frustration, anger and loss? My answer is a very loud and wholehearted YES!

I have found the first step is to turn off the noise of those that want to divide us for their own interests and power. We are all so much more alike than we are different. We all want the same things… to have our needs met, know we are enough, to love and be loved. When I hear those preaching blame and fear I know there isn’t Love or God or Truth there. Usually, it is the lower self serving energy of ego speaking. Our dear Angelights sister, Karen put it perfectly, “I keep preaching to be compassionate and to see both sides of the story. You are not always right and when you are, ask yourself, ‘Is it really worth the fight?’ Then send out love and let it go.” Amen Karen.

I have been practicing  loving kindness by saying in my mind to all I see, “Peace be with you.” It is amazingly powerful especially to those that push my buttons. I try to remember that the hurt people are the ones that hurt people. Whole, empowered, loving people don’t hurt, blame or shame people. It’s the wounded ones that do. Bullies have usually been bullied as that is how they learned it. Getting fired up and angry just adds to my own suffering and the collective chaos of negativity. Meditating and gathering with Love minded friends has been a powerful healing salve for my heart and mind too.

I am happy to be back with Angelights full time. I gave up my Healing Space in 2020 but now rent our Angelight’s sister, Melissa’s space at Intuitive Healing, 1300 Park Ave, 2nd floor in Woonsocket, RI 1-2 days/ month for workshops, in person Reiki, Past life regressions and a few in person Angelic Empowerment sessions. I am still doing the majority of these over the phone with my little 7 lb love, Jaxon in my lap or in nature often around water in my car as we connect with your beautiful beings of light. As an empath this has helped me tremendously to minimize the low energy circulating, to release your deceased loved ones’ pain at death and your grief from my physical body right as it comes in. I find it is much less draining and keeps my energy vibrating higher with the space the phone line brings. If you are resistant to try a phone session and feel unsure if our connection will be as strong, please read below the testimonies of other Angelights friends.

Plans are in the works to gather in person and virtually in the weeks and months ahead too. I am teaching the Angel Light Messenger course 5/14-15. Can’t believe it has been 18 years since the first one! This feels like the last one in this format. Ironically, or of course not at all, a few hours after its completion will be the Full moon eclipse which is all about releasing the old. I had no idea when I booked it, but those Spirit World helpers are AMAZING! I know it will be an incredibly powerful weekend for all, filled with the opportunity to release the old and allow the blessings of new beginnings. There is space if you are guided. Come for all or part. Join in person or virtually. You will surely receive whatever you need.

A Retreat to Reclaim our JOY and Inner Peace is booked for 8/12-14 in Massachusetts and there is space for YOU. I visited yesterday and it is a magical, holy place with an EAGLE that picked a nest right outside our home for the retreat. It is situated on a beautiful lake where you can kayak or canoe, with 2 amazing labyrinths in the woods, 34 acres of walking trails, a firepit for us to release and so much more. They are booked solid until December but miraculously they are available for us in August. The gifts of magic and synchronicities are much more palpable right now when we turn off the low energy noise of ego and breath in the present moment. It will surely be a weekend of healing and magic.

I am also working on trips to the Greek islands, a Shamanic Energy Healing training in Brazil and a Retreat in Sedona. The dates and info will be shared as soon as the Universe lines it all up. Please let me know if there is a workshop or Reiki class you are interested in as I know having loving tools in my pocket has been a powerful ally in grounding and keeping my energy uplifted to the vibration of love amidst the fear and chaos. If you need some healing and clarity, book a session and we’ll connect with your Divine helpers. If it says something about enabling cookies, email me and I’ll book it for you. I have also gotten back to posting inspirational messages and occasional card readings on Facebook too if you want to join us.

This month, join me in choosing to send love to all the dark places in our minds, bodies, country, world and planet earth. It is always the right choice and a grounding force for good amidst the chaos. I continue to keep all of us, those we love and even those that are hard to love in my daily prayers and meditation to be showered with blessings for our Highest good and the Highest good of all. We are ONE, now and always my dear Angelights family. Let’s make it an amazing, love filled journey together. And sing this Loud and Proud with me… Let Your Love Flow-The Bellamy Brothers with Lyrics- YouTube.

love, Love, LOVE you all,
Jackie Eaton xo
Susannah, our Angelights sister took this from her deck in Fl and allowed me to share it with all of you. It exemplifies this time so well. Amidst the storm and chaos there is always beauty and rainbows if we choose to focus on love instead of ego and fear.


Recent Phone Angelic Empowerment Session Testimonials:

“Jackie is amazing. I have spoken to many intuitives over the years, and all over the world -and keep coming back to her as simply one of the best. She blends sweetness, compassion and understanding with a spot on ability to energetically read situations and people.Her guidance has been instrumental for all kinds of transitions and situations. She & “our” team of angels & guides have given me all kinds of creative ideas and solutions – both spiritual & grounded. I consider our sessions a blend of business coaching, ‘intuitive’ counseling, and creative brainstorming – from another dimension! Jackie’s connection to the angels & deceased loved ones is like no other Ive talked to.She’s said things that no one else would know about people in my life who have passed. A real connection. She’s the real deal.” Christie, OR

“Jackie is incredible. My angelic empowerment session via phone was spot on! Everything I had been feeling & the messages I received were confirmed by Jackie’s loving reading. She has an intuitive way of connecting with you and lifts  you up in the best way!” Kim, RI

“My phone reading with Jackie was nothing short of amazing. She is truly very gifted & connected to our spiritual world. My reading was very accurate & uplifting & explained a lot of what I was going through & the great things yet to come. I would highly recommend Jackie for your intuitive and spiritual needs” Mike CT

“It was wonderful to reconnect with you once again via our telephone session today. It’s amazing how easily you connect with my angels & loved ones. It’s reassuring to know that they are all around me. Although we have never met in person, the compassion & love I feel from you gives me a feeling of easiness & peace.” Corinne, NY

“I am very grateful for my telephone sessions with Jackie throughout this pandemic. At first I questioned whether my sessions could have the same connectivity, depth, clarity & love that I had experienced in person, however, my concerns quickly evaporated. Now I appreciate more than ever the convenience of being able to visit over the phone with Jackie to receive intuitive guidance for these times. “ MM, RI

“My Angelic Empowerment Phone Session today was the best session I have had.  Always have enjoyed both in-person and phone sessions; however, today was the most powerful & meaningful time for me.” FS, RI


 If you need an energy boost and want to switch from fear to love, Sing it loud and proud with me…  



  1. Love can always build a bridge!

  2. Deb Schuetz says

    Loving that you are “back”,Jackie! A beautiful post ❤️

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