Spring 2019 Newsletter- Spring blessings

As we emerge from the darkness of winter to the hope of spring it is such a powerful time to quiet our minds and soak up the wonder and awe of nature’s rebirth. When we stop and take in the amazing gifts of the moment we are in, a peace can come over us and our minds quiet if even for a breath. Our lives seem to be flying by us at warp speed. Aren’t you feeling it? We may be missing the most important parts if we’re not paying attention. The noise and external stimulation are constantly distracting us with texts, voice mails, emails, podcasts, television, radio, social media and divisive propaganda. We also are bombarded with the internal stimulation of our thoughts, doubts, fears and feelings of guilt, shame, resentment and judgment of ourselves or others. Our ego also interferes with our enjoying the present moment with it’s incessant mine/ mind chatter inflating or deflating us as it compares us to each other and our unrealistic standards.

Sometimes we need a break from it all but don’t notice until it reaches a tipping point when our bodies force us to jump off the merry go round with a health scare or loss that plops us in the moment we are in as it is too overwhelming to be anywhere else. How do we turn off the noise inside and outside of us before we are forced to through pain. We don’t have to go on a silent retreat, (although they are wonderful!) or turn everything off forever. Just a few minutes a few times a day of being still and present makes a huge difference in balancing our bodies, minds and spirits. It feels like preventative medicine for me like going to the dentist, drinking enough water or wearing my seat belt.

Years ago when I wanted to slow down my mind and body, I asked the Angels for help. I heard to be where my butt is, meaning to bring my attention to the present moment wherever I am or whatever I am doing a few times a day for a few moments. When washing the dishes feel the soapy, warm water or plate  and feel gratitude for the food we just ate. When doing laundry instead of feeling annoyed or focusing on mind chatter and worries, bring attention back to the now. Feel the warm clothes and gratitude that we have so many choices in what we wear. When driving in the car, turn off the radio sometimes and see the world outside the windshield, maybe open the window a bit and feel the fresh air. When eating, take a second to smell the food and chew slowly. Really taste it and feel gratitude for the journey it took to become our nourishment. I can’t say I do it always or even regularly as I am often distracted by my to do list, responsibilities and thoughts of not being enough. I can tell you though that when I remember, it always works.

So many of us suffer from depression and anxiety and I have found the best antidote along with professional help and maybe medication is to bring myself back to the moment I am in and question those negative thoughts. I try to think of all the things that are going well in my life. We are so much bigger than our thoughts. My practice this spring is to catch myself running away from the present moment with busy-ness or overthinking and practice being where my butt is. Walking my little 6 lb, furry love, Jaxon in nature helps to ground me on this beautiful planet and in the present moment too. Winter is over. David Wagoner said it so well, “Stand still. The forest knows where you are. You must let it find you.”

 I continue to keep you in my daily prayers and meditation for you to be showered with blessings that are for your Highest good and the Highest good of all. I daily send so much love to you, all you love and even those that are hard to love. We are ONE, now and always my dear Angelights family. Let’s make it an amazing, love filled journey together.

love, Love, LOVE you all,
Jackie Eaton xo
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Need a heavenly massage?
My friend and our Angelights sister, Joan Bilodeau, is sharing my Healing space offering massage sessions. You will love her! She has magical, healing hands and a beautiful heart.  Call or text her at 401-465-0085 to book an appointment.


  1. Thank you for this wonderful reminder to look around and be where you are!

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