Spring 2014 Newsletter~ Tapping into the Strength of the Tree

trunkIt has been awhile since I last connected. So much has happened for me, those I love and I am sure all of you.  This is an incredibly powerful time filled with shifts and unexpected twists and turns. Astrologically, there are planets forming a cardinal cross, solar and lunar eclipses along with our usual new and full moon energy blasts.  I love to read our Angelights friend, Regina Hamilton’s, astrological monthly reports. Email her at starqueen15@comcast.net to receive them too.  Also, I love Astrology Zone, another free monthly energy news alert that validates what I am feeling energetically. 

Sometimes it is hard to hold our balance, feel safe or know which way to turn next.  I have heard over and over in my sessions recently that we are being called to stand in our power through the swirling winds of change like a strong, old tree. This power is not aggressive or defensive but secure and confident & ensures our knowing that all is well no matter what we are living or looking at.  The tree doesn’t try to knock over other trees with its power but it also doesn’t allow itself to get knocked over. Another visual I love is the mountain.  There is so much power to a mountain but also so much stillness and peace at its center.

Feel that power in your body right now. Put your shoulders back, head tall, feet grounded with roots deep into Mother Earth.  Pull that power up with your breathe into your belly, your innate power source.  Let it rise and fill your heart which is our center of love and flow out our  branches into the world. This is the energy we need to embody so that we don’t get swept away by the negativity, pain and fear we hear from those around us or in our minds.  Say no to those voices and listen to the call of your Spirit.  You are the only one that has the answers for you.

I need to keep it simple right now so the mantra that I breathe with lately with the above visualization is “I am”, as I inhale and “love”, as I exhale. Sometimes I change it to “I am….safe.”  Or “I am…. enough.”  You can fill in the word that fits right in each breathe or moment.  It is my powerful, healing anchor and strengthens the powerful tree or mountain energy that I need to embody right now to hold my balance.

I have been in the midst of making a very important life changing decision, one that I haven’t taken lightly. After much prayer, research and medical input, I am having a preventative bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on 5/28.  I am choosing this for so many reasons.

This decision was influenced by the increased risk with my family history~ my brother died of a rare cancer at 35, my sister’s diagnosis by her doctor of pre-menopausal breast cancer, my aunt with a history of breast cancer and both my parents having had cancer.  My sister doesn’t have the BRCA gene but that only makes up 10% of breast cancers so didn’t give me that much peace. The genetic counselor said something is up with my family but science doesn’t have the gene to test or the ability to know if it is environmental.

I have had abnormal mammograms each year since 2006, a spot in my right breast with a biopsy last fall and now another in my left breast a few weeks ago. I also have dense breasts which makes it harder to see abnormalities. I am not willing to do the “wait and see” dance every 6 months for the rest of my life which is the alternative recommendation. 

So after much soul searching, praying, medical agreement and the insurance covering it completely, it feels like the best option for ME. I am not advocating this for anyone else but me.  Everyone has to make their own informed decisions. Unfortunately, as a previous hospice nurse and human being, I, as well as many of you have watched many beautiful, healthy- in diet, mind and body, young, positive thinking, even some doctors, amazing women pass away from this disease.

Obviously, this surgery doesn’t ensure my future on any front.  But it is a way for me to take positive, empowered action. I choose this decision based on love and not fear.  Love for me, my husband, kids and family. The reasons I wouldn’t do it are based on fear.  The fear of pain & permanent dis-figuration.  Pain is temporary as I found with my last surgery.  As a powerful creator I am manifesting perky, beautiful lifetime foobs, (or fake boobs as they are called in the PBM community which has become my second family of soul sisters) along with immense peace that this isn’t something I’ll have to deal with again.

People ask me all the time what the Angels say when I ask about having this surgery.  Every time I ask, I have gotten yes.  When I ask them to show me a physical sign if it is really them saying yes, something amazing happens as it has my whole life.  A hawk flew into the highway median right next to me, wings wide open. Another time I saw this on a license plate “YS 444.”  444 is the angel number and means they are with you.  Every time I have asked since last December I get an undeniable yes.

I know this road I am choosing to travel is not an easy one but neither is my sister’s current path.  Also, quite honestly, I have never taken the easy path and the alternative feels much harder.  This feels like the most empowering choice. Most of my life others haven’t understood my fearless decisions but the very few regrets I have felt in my life have always been fleeting.

I will continue to take appointments & teach classes up until my surgery.  Then I will be off for 6- 8 weeks. I am in the process of putting an online appt scheduling option on my website, so stay tuned. I will have access to my email throughout my journey too so feel free to keep in touch.

Thanks for walking beside me on this path. I so appreciate any prayers, blasts of light, love and energy you want to send my way.  The spiritual gift is that it is forcing me to receive and offer the compassion, love and kindness to myself that so easily flows from me to others. I know this is one of my many life lessons, so YAY that I can learn it in the sunshine of summer, my favorite season, surrounded by my wonderful family.  God is in charge as always.

Praying for the strength, love and support of the strong trees & mountains for all of us, those we love and even those that are hard to love in these changing times.  All is well, ALWAYS, in all ways.

love, love, love you,

Jackie Eaton xoxo

“Be beautiful YOU.  Nobody does it better.”   Author unknown

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