September 2022 Newsletter: Our Collective Power

Are you noticing an increase in amazing synchronicities where you think of something, and it happens in seconds? Sometimes they don’t seem profound. Here is an example that happened this week. I was texting with 2 friends that touch my soul. One shared a story she heard of a woman on an airplane that was in trouble. She merged with the wind, and it calmed. As I believe we all are one so must all have access to this ability, I meditated with the intention to merge with nature. Why not, right?

Here’s what happened next. My cat, Gracie, jumped on my lap. I asked to merge with her. I opened my eyes a bit later and one of her whiskers was on my lap. I have never seen one of her whiskers fall off. Then I look to my right and a big spider is crawling next to me on the couch. Freaking out and forgetting what I intended, I killed it. Affirming why I avoid nature to begin with…. the creepy, crawly things. To add to the synchronicity, I had recently noticed when petting Gracie that she has some dark brown whiskers, and all the rest are light. Random thought? The whisker in my lap was brown. Hmmm… Lastly, as I drove home that night, I passed 3 deer just looking up at me on the side of the road.

Nothing too exciting about any of this except the awareness that if we can create instantly in the minutiae of our day, what can and are we creating instantly through our thoughts, beliefs and intentions? How can we harness this together to create the love, peace and JOY that we ALL seek. I think we can all agree that there is a huge seeming division of humanity in what we want and believe playing out on the political arena that has trickled down to our families, friends and all aspects of our lives. There is so much anger, blame and I am right/ No, I am right energy. Many powerful humans benefit financially as they increase their power by dividing us. We are rocked or soothed into submission or distracted while we watch streaming series after streaming series and scroll on social media. We lose hours and hours of our one precious life that we’ll never get back. Social media and advertising algorithms further reinforce our belonging in our separate camps.

Believe me, I am not judging. I am just as manipulated as everyone else. I have very strong opinions of what we need to do as a humanity to come back into balance. Honestly, I was very surprised to realize that so many of our Angelights family don’t believe as I do. In many of my healing sessions I have seen where my ego wants to convince others to believe as I do. Thank God/ess, I am quick to remind myself in these moments that NO ONE comes to hear what I have to say. They want to hear what their Spirit world team says. It has been an amazingly beautiful lesson for me to take into my heart what is told to all of you. It is always profound, nonjudgmental and something I need to hear and learn from as well.

I was guided to share this new clarity of our power to create instantly as it feels like a wonderful, dare I say, easy way to shift our current reality. I think we universally can agree that we all want the same thing. We all desire to have our needs met, feel safe and appreciated, experience good health, fun and joy, not be manipulated, be innately accepted for our sameness and uniqueness, be loved, financially secure, and fill in the blank for anything I forgot. We also want the same for those we love and our future generations.

What if instead of digging in our heels and making a stance in one direction or the other, we took a breath? What if we tuned into our unity and the big picture capital t Truth? Can we emulate the hawk in the sky that can see the whole field or big picture AND the tiny mouse or specifics at the same time? Or for us humans, can we tune into the abuse of power and intent to divide us on both sides as well as the reality we aren’t ever truly divided as we all want the same thing? Can we harness the power of individually coming from a grounded place and then align with our connected souls to bring the changes we seek instead of fighting against each other? This by no means stops the need to do tangible things on the earthly realm to protect each other and our futures. However, it is important to remember the unseen force for good we can work with that is much more, powerful than the earthly one.

I also believe that if we can join TOGETHER with the common purpose to intend peace, unity and healing it will create a tsunami of transformation. No agenda but that one. If my one thought worked so powerfully and instantly this week on my couch what will happen if we do this as a united front. I have no idea what form this will take. I am in allowing mode. Some things that have come to me is that it needs to be egoless and take no more than a few minutes a day. None of us needs more to things to do. If you want to join me and/or have ideas of how to do this, email me.

As we say goodby to summer and embrace the gifts of fall, I invite you to give all this some thought. Allow yourself to remember how incredibly powerful and important you are in the goal of shifting us back to peace and healing as one loving humanity. I have openings to gather with love minded Angelights friends in my upcoming workshops this weekend and in the weeks ahead. I also added another Retreat at Rolling Ridge this winter as the last one was so wonderful. Until we meet again in a session or workshop, please allow the love and deep knowing of wellbeing that I am sending you all right now to melt away any current struggles so that you feel with me that All is Well, Always and in All Ways.

love, Love and MORE LOVE,

Jackie xoxo


One of my fav songs to remind me of the Power of Love and unity is Let It Be Love by Lady Antebellum.

And one I dance to most days to remind me to be right here no is Living in the Moment by Jason Mraz. Thank you, Karen for sharing!


I want to introduce you to my dear friend, Dr. Tia Trivisonno. She is one of Angelights biggest referrers, President of the NY Association of Naturopathic Physicians and such an incredibly gifted Naturopathic Physician. She is hosting an 8-week virtual course on Aging with Vitality. You can register here. Email her at with any questions. I know you will love her as much as I do.

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  1. Marcella Lamontagne says

    Thank you, I really needed to hear this. I forget when things happen to connect the dots and doing this I receive so many messages that I need. You are the best at bringing us back and grounded.
    Again thank you for always being our guiding light.
    Love and light

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