November 2014 Giving Thanks

Today be thanThanksgivingkful and think how rich you are. Your family & friends are priceless.  Your time is gold and your health is wealth.        
Author unknown
We are so blessed.  Despite the year many of us have had, we have so much to be grateful for.  Thanks for the prayers and love sent my way. My last and final surgery went well. I am recovering after a minor setback with so many lessons learned.
I am excited to close 2014 in Thanksgiving for all the growth and healing this year has brought to myself and my sister.  She has 2 chemo treatments left and will be DONE on 12/9.  YAY!!   Enjoy two of my favorite Karen Drucker thanks-giving songs, I am so Blessed and Thank you for this day.
2015 is going to be an amazing year and I want to start it off with a wonderful Retreat at Mercy by the Sea in Madison, CT.  I know many of you have come to my previous retreats there over the years.  I only have 20 spots so wanted to let you know as soon as I booked it.  Click here for all the details. 
I am limited in the time I can spend on the computer right now so December’s Newsletter will be more in depth.  I am excited to be back to work.  Thanks for your patience over this last year. 
I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  If you are missing your loved ones this year, I am asking them and thousands of Angels to bring you comfort, peace and healing.  You are not alone.  Surround yourself with gentle, loving people this holiday.  
Sending all of you, my most cherished and chosen family, love, peace healing and JOY.  Thanks for walking beside me on this most amazing, challenging and beautiful path.
Love, love, love you,

Jackie Eaton xoxo

“Be beautiful YOU.  Nobody does it better.”   Author unknown

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