September 2014 ~ We are powerful beyond measure.

Hope Elephant

Dr. Jim Laurita, founder of Hope Elephant Sanctuary in Hope, ME, thank you for your service. Rest in Peace.

It is September… a time of releasing summer and embracing the cool crisp nights of fall.  Many of you have sent kids off to school near and far and my heart is with you all as we pray and affirm a happy, healthy, successful school year for all students. 

As we switch gears to fall & back to different schedules are you feeling the energy shifts inside and outside?  Many friends, clients & I have felt some of these symptoms lately: lack of energy, weight gain, frustration, health concerns & the low energy vibrations of powerlessness, guilt & intolerance.  The Full moon this week felt like it added a punch to the energy.

As I feel these heavy energies I instantly also feel completely supported and that nothing is “wrong” or needs to be fixed by me. I get a strong sense that the foggy energy I am feeling inside and out is real but nothing to fear.  This faith and trust gets reinforced through so many signs these past few days as I see repeated number sequences, beautiful yellow butterflies & birds, hummingbirds coming right up to me, bumble bee visitors, feathers & heart shaped rocks and just the right song I need to hear on the radio.  

So what is going on and what is our part?  We are always called to feel whatever we are feeling as feelings just are & therefore never wrong.  Dwelling in these feelings isn’t helpful though.  Neither is beating ourselves up over why we aren’t having happier feelings as this just sucks us into the negativity vortex. 

I have been hearing that what we sensitive ones are tuning into is the anger, divisiveness, financial worries & the collective feelings of powerlessness related to world events, recent elections & our government.  Even if we don’t listen to the ads, read the paper or watch TV it’s hard to not feel it as we are energy beings.  Its like there are fear clouds around that we bump into.  It feels heightened with 9/11 & the recent powerful Full moon energy. We are being called to turn our radio dial to a higher channel which is hope, faith, peace and love.

Also, adding to our sadness or feeling powerless is the beautiful souls that continue to leave the planet.  The recent one that has saddened my heart & made my ego say “What!! Why?” is the death of Dr. James Laurita, who established a sanctuary for retired circus elephants in Maine called Hope Elephants.  He fell and one of the elephants crushed him.  That just makes no sense to me at a time when we need loving, caring, beautiful people on this planet.  The lower me wants to yell, “What is going ON?”

When I allow the frustration and anger to be released in this honest way I feel this powerful, loving, but firm energy guiding me to settle down. I don’t, never will and never was supposed to understand such a seeming cruel twist of fate. That’s too big for my human heart.  But I do know deep in my soul when my ego settles down that he wasn’t a victim as there are no victims, accidents or mistakes.

We also are not victims as sensitive, intuitive beings at this funky energetic time on planet earth.  We are powerful beyond measure. Standing in our power as forces for Good and God and creating as opposed to reacting is what we are called to do.  Dr. James knew the power of the elephant. They are known for their strength, power, cooperative Spirit and loyalty and his sanctuary was in Hope, Maine.  We are being called to rise above the illusion of our current reality, see beyond the negativity & strengthen our spiritual muscles. 

What else can we do?  We can pray, ask our Angels to clear & lighten us, add love and unplug from negativity in all its forms especially our minds.  Share and be with love minded people, laugh, rest, blow bubbles while sitting in nature which is my favorite pastime right now. Most of all be gentle and kind to our bodies, minds and Spirits as there’s a lot we’re energetically sifting through these days.

This month especially, my prayer for us all is peace, strong faith in the goodness of humanity, good health for our bodies & this planet and the knowing that all is well, ALWAYS and in ALL ways….. with moments of JOY sprinkled into each day. 🙂  We got this. 

love, love, love you,

Jackie Eaton xoxo

“Be beautiful YOU.  Nobody does it better.”   Author unknown

*If you are touched by Jim, the Founder of Hope Elephants’ dedicated service to our planet, donate as I did to the Laurita Fund or buy a t shirt or sweatshirt.  He  invested all of his life savings to raise awareness and be a voice for the elephants.

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