Manifesting with the Moon Cycles

Many of us are aware of the moon phases and how they affect us.  Others, as I used to be, don’t notice the phases of the moon and their impact on our lives.  Think of the power the moon has on the ocean and waves, on psychological and emotional issues in people, and on the Emergency Rooms and hospitals all over the country.  I learned a few years ago about the power of the moon cycles and their influence on manifesting.  We can capitalize on these phases and connect closely and align our intentions with Grandmother Moon’s assistance.  The two main phases of the moon are the Full moon and the New moon.

Full Moon

The Full moon is the time of releasing.  It is when the moon is fullest and starts to wane or get smaller.  We can release what no longer serves us, like beliefs, emotions of guilt and shame, excess weight, fears and worries, past traumas, unforgiveness and on and on.  There is no limit to what we can release.

In this cycle of the moon it is getting smaller and so it is that we become lighter as we release what no longer serves us.  We free ourselves of the burdens and excess baggage that have pressured us and weighed us down. Remember how powerful your thoughts and words are in manifesting.  At this time you want to phrase your intentions and affirmations in a releasing way.  If you want to lose weight your affirmation would be, “I release excess weight.”  If you want to have more money, you would affirm, “I release all my bills and fears of lack.”

During the Full moon phase and even more powerfully, on the night of the Full moon, you can perform a ceremony or ritual to use this important time and energy to release.   You can release burdens and blocks that prevent you from connecting fully with your true Spirit of joy and peace.  I learned a powerful releasing process from Steven Farmer, Doreen Virtue’s former husband, at my numerous training’s with them.  I have incorporated it into my 3 day Angel Light Messenger course.  You can do it anytime but I find it is even more powerful the night of, or right after the Full moon.  Feel free to ask your Angels and Guides for other ways to release if the below process doesn’t work for you.

First you want to go outside and find an object of nature, like a rock, leaf, flower, stick, whatever.  Once you find an object you want to ask the object if it is willing to hold all that you want to release and change it’s home for you.  Remember every object, whether in nature or in your home, has life force energy in it. We always want to be respectful.  When you intuitively get your blessing from the object, you want to sit alone and hold the object in your hand.  Think about what you want to release.  Picture yourself putting these old unhealthy beliefs, fears, worries, situations, feelings, objects and people into your receptive object of nature.  When it is full and you feel like it is complete, cover the object in a tissue and go to a place where you can release it.  Wooded areas, oceans, ponds, and lakes are awesome.  Stand in front of the water or woods and say a prayer thanking the things you are releasing for the lessons they have taught you. Then freely and happily throw the object into the water or woods releasing it completely maybe with a loud Woo Woo or Yee Haa of excitement.  Feel the freedom and peace wash over you.  You are truly lighter and the burdens you’ve been carrying are GONE!  Thank your angels and guides and the object you threw for their assistance in this process.

If you don’t live near bodies of water or woods, it is powerful to release into fire, also.  The last day of my 3 day course we burn the worries we have put in the Worry box in the outdoor fireplace. You write down what you want to release and as above, thank it for the lessons and throw it into the fire.  You can even write down what you want to release on toilet paper and flush it into the toilet!  It all works the same way.  The whole point is to get these things you need to release out of your physical body in a physical action.  When they are buried in our mind or body they are just under the surface waiting to be triggered.  When we release what no longer serves us, it clears the way for all kinds of blessings.  This brings us to the next phase of the moon….the New Moon.

New Moon

The New moon or “No moon” is when we can’t see the moon any longer.  It is a time of drawing to us.  It is a wonderful tool to bring abundance, health, prosperity, joy, peace, healthy relationships, jobs we love, self care, motivation, vacations, soulmate partners, children and on and on.  This is when the moon is getting bigger or waxing.  It is the time of attraction.  So during this time you want to focus your intentions and thoughts in a bringing to you way.  So in this phase of the moon if you want to lose weight you would affirm, “I crave healthy foods.”  If you want to have financial security, you would affirm, “Financial abundance is pouring into my home easily and effortlessly.” or “I have so much extra financial abundance coming to me that I am sharing it with everyone.”

Let’s talk about deserving-ness.  Some people worry about asking for abundance.  They feel like they should be grateful for what they have and that others need it more.  Remember that you won’t receive if you don’t ask and if you don’t feel you deserve it.  You having financial abundance doesn’t mean you took it from someone else.  Everyone deserves abundance.  Some of you may have signed a Vow of Poverty in another lifetime that is blocking your abundance in this lifetime.  Email me if you want a copy of the Prosperity contract so you can renounce this!  Remember that the angels know that money is just an energy exchange.  It is how we get our needs met in the physical world.  Money hasn’t been around that long.  We used to barter for what we needed.  I would deliver your baby and you would give me food from your farm.  It was much easier then in some ways, as we didn’t have this paper money stuff but tangible exchanges.

An incredibly beautiful and helpful book to help you to accept abundance is Ask and It is Given by Esther Hicks.  Another good one is The Abundance book by John Randolph Price.  I sell both books if you are interested, let me know.  Ask and it is Given is $16 and the Abundance book is $8 (tax included.)  You can also get them at a local book store or online.  They are powerful tools to shift your perception about accepting abundance.

So, on the New Moon what you can do is fill out an Abundance check.  Click here to print and fill it out the one I have provided, but feel free to make up your own.  Yellow is the color of power so that’s a good color paper to use. The idea of this is to tell the universe that you are ready and excited and want abundance to come to you.  I’m going to tell you 2 different checks that you can use.  I do both.  You want to do them as close to the New Moon as possible. 

Using an Abundance check.

You can use the check that is available on this page, to print out or make your own.  If you are making your own, put at the top First Bank of the Abundant Universe.  Leave the date blank as you don’t want to put a certain date that it will arrive. Then in the “Pay to the Order of” spot, put your name.  Leave the $ amount blank as the abundance you are asking for is limitless.    On the “______________________________Dollars” line, put PAID IN FULL.  Where the account # is write 000 for God, 444 for Angels, 333 for the Ascended Masters and your birthday in 6 digits.  So if your birthday is May 6th, 1955, your account # would be 000444333050655.  Then where your signature goes, sign the check, “Law of Abundance.”  Put the check in a special spot like on your alter or under a crystal or in your garden.

You want to fill this out within 24 hours of the New moon.  Remember though that as with everything, it is all about intention.  If you forget and you are later than that, set the intention that it will still work. Write on the back all the blessings of abundance that come to you that month.  Abundance isn’t just money.  It’s prosperity in all aspects of your life… health, love, career and financial.  It could be a good grade on a test, a surprise vacation, meeting a new friend, an unexpected kindness, not getting a cold when everyone around you is sick, sleeping well if you have insomnia or some other gift.  Don’t throw out the old abundance checks.  You want them to continue to bless you.  You can keep them in a special box.  Kids and husbands can do them, too.  Get the whole family involved to increase their power.  Have everyone do their own.

I’ll share with you some of the awesome things these checks have brought me and my family.  We have received unexpected checks from old insurance policies we didn’t know we had right before vacation.  I gave away my Kwan Yin statue and received a pendant with 2 Kwan Yins, one facing me and one out to the world.  A trip to Hawaii to study with an incredible Alchemist and energy healer.  My son asked to go to Disney right before he did his abundance check and we were there within 6 weeks of his request, as my husband unexpectedly was asked to go to Orlando for business.  I could go on and on.  We’ve been doing this for a while and it is so much fun.  Again if you have more than you need the angels are always telling me to share it with others which we do all the time.  This isn’t being selfish it’s having fun and receiving abundance and passing it on as well.  God wants us to be abundant and prosperous.  If we’re out trying to get our needs met, we can’t be fulfilling our purpose.  If we have help getting our needs met and are filled with joy, we can help more people.

Using a check from your checkbook

This check is written from your own checkbook.  In this abundance check you are telling the Universe what you want financially.  With my Catholic guilt I had a hard time with this one and didn’t do it right away when I heard of it.  Jim Carey did it before he got famous as an actor and wrote himself a check out for millions.  He carried it around with him in his pocket for years.  He got a big part in a movie and his contract was for the same amount as the check he had written years before.  This is extremely powerful and happens quickly.  I’ve done it three times and the abundance came to me in surprising ways.

The last New Moon my husband and I wrote them.  My check was for $10,000 and his was for $5,000.  We are building an addition to expand my teaching space and thought that would help us cut down the financing.  We both giggled as we did it wondering where the money would come from.  Within a few weeks, the builder gave us a quote for the addition and it was exactly $15,000 less than we thought it would be.  I was so in awe of the power of this process.  It didn’t come as cash but it’s money we won’t have to pay back so it is money in our pocket.  So don’t try to figure it out.  Just trust that it is coming and will bless you and your family.

How do you do it?  Take out one of your real checks from your checkbook and leave the date blank.  In the “Pay to the order of” section write your name.  In the $ amount put what you desire.  Make sure it’s an amount you feel deserving of.  You can’t trick the Universe.  If you feel you don’t deserve a huge amount or it makes you feel guilty, ask for less.  Write out the amount in words on the _____________Dollars line.  In the “For___” or “Memo___” section write “Thank you God and angels!”  Sign the check “Law of Abundance.”  You can carry it around in your pocket or purse to remind you that it is coming.  Then enjoy the magic and gifts it will bring you and those you love.

May your light shine brightly now and forever,



  1. When we embrace the reality that we’re all connected, all One – we’re able to become part of the master plan. We flow with the rest of the Universe. When we see ourselves as separate, we feel alone. We’re going against the grain. Thus, we feel/become the negative which doesn’t “belong”. I recently woke up from a long slumber and learning to trust myself, God, and the universe.Then I found your post today. Thank you, Jackie for sharing this. Sharing my love, blessings, and abundance with you and your family. 🙂

  2. Jessica Rosales says

    Thank you so much for this article. I accidentally ran into this as I was searching for moon wishing rituals.
    Two people have now suggested it to me and your view and wisdom really makes so much sense. Lately I have felt out of touch and unhappy even though I seem to be doing so well…
    I hope these techniques bring me back to a higher connection with my inner peace and happiness.

    Thanks again

  3. Margaret Lind says

    Thank you! Thank you! It all makes sense now!!!

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