Love for Boston

Hello my friends,

I know we are feeling so many emotions with the recent events in Boston.  Confusion, anger, pain, frustration and the thoughts of when will this senseless hurting ever end are just a few.  We wonder, is the world getting better or getting worse?  Isn’t there enough love and light flooding the planet with so many awakening spiritually to prevent this pain?  The biggest question we ask is why? Why? WHY??  We know that pain and loss are inevitable parts of our human experience but this seems so much more tragic as in our rational minds we feel it shouldn’t  have happened.

Unfortunately, there are no easy answers.  All I know for sure and have been hearing in my meditations so clearly last night and today is that “Hurt people, hurt people.”  It is never the whole, empowered loving people that bring such devastating pain as we witnessed yesterday in Boston.  It is the wounded ones that are trying to lash out, make a stand and are filled with ego that cause this pain.  It is the ones that have Edged God Out or are living from their Ego or pain that feel the need to rise up and destroy what is good and sacred and of love.  They don’t feel the love we do flowing to them from our Creator so they try to shut off our light supply to darken our love. 

So what do we do with this anger, frustration and doubt?  How do we move forward from the darkness of anger and fear back to the light of love?  First we must feel whatever we feel without judgment as we accept our human feelings of powerlessness.  There are no “good” feelings or “bad” feelings.  It is what we do with them and which ones we focus on that is important. 

s-MARTIN-RICHARD-DEAD-BOSTON-MARATHON-154x114After we allow ourselves to feel the pain, anger, sadness, confusion, we can all take the advice of our very wise, little 8 year old newest Angel, Martin Richard, who left his earthly body in the bombing yesterday.  He made this sign last year in his 2nd grade class.  It says, “NO more hurting people.  Peace.”  

Martin we hear you.  My prayer is that in your honor, we will focus on love and stop hurting each other with our bombs, guns, words, looks and judgments & heal the hurts inside each one of us.   We can choose to be a part of the pain, trauma and fear or part of the solution which is hope, love and peace.

Even amidst the tragedy of yesterday, there was so much love present.  Our loving Creator was there among the chaos, bringing the people and resources to help all those that were injured.   I experienced and heard of so many that could have or should have been there but weren’t.  My son goes to Northeastern University and would have been there if he wasn’t on an internship in MD.  My brother in law was right there at work.  One of our dear friends was in the next building from where the bomb hit with her 1 year old but had left an hour before.  I also heard of the gratitude of survivors that lost limbs that woke up from surgery and instead of feeling rightfully angry, are instead expressing their immense thanks at being alive.  There is so much pain but also so many lives were saved.

The Angels remind us that it only takes a little match to dispel the darkness.  We are called to be the Light in this situation and shine our Love towards not only the victims and their loved ones but towards whoever caused this pain and suffering.  Gandhi said it well, “Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love.”  Love is the light that dispels all of the darkness, always, in All Ways. 

Join me and the rest of the world in sitting in a space of love and prayer at 7pm tonight or whenever you are able.  Allow your heart to open and overfill with compassion for yourself and the whole world.  I know Martin will be joining us.

love, love, love you all,

Jackie Eaton xoxoxo

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