What puzzle piece are you?

puzzle-graphicThe spiritual guidance I hear in my Empowerment sessions recently are filled with such incredible encouragement, support and love.  It brings tears to my eyes. The Angels want us to know that they haven’t left us.  They are holding us and loving us more than ever.  Living authentically, wanting so much to make a difference in this world that seems to be hurting, trying to get our bills paid, tuning out negativity and the sensory overload feels like too much at times.

It seems that we keep uncovering more ways to shift our thoughts and words and actions from fear to love.  We have been digging deep and excavating the patterns that don’t serve us. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming.  What the Angels keep saying is that BE-ing conscious in each moment is the key along with keeping it simple.  Any changes in our situations will happen over time and I heard recently that 90% of change is the awareness of what needs changing.  So we have already shifted so much as we are SO aware of the imbalances in our lives.  We are called to gentleness and are being supported behind the scenes to let go of the reins & ALLOW.

You are so important at this amazing time.  You are so necessary.  You aren’t responsible for doing it ALL…. just your part.  We are being called to discover our part in the shifts that are happening and just BE that.  How do you know what your part is? It is the part that comes naturally to you.  It is like breathing.  It takes no effort and makes you feel really good inside.  You would do it for free.

As you search you will find the things you are really good at and the things you aren’t so good at.  There is no judgment.  You only have to be your amazing part of the puzzle and let others be theirs.  Every piece is absolutely necessary.  I think my puzzle piece is spreading kindness, inspiring & encouraging others by communicating from my experience, strength & hope and my connection to the Spirit world.  I know my gifts aren’t attention to detail, accounting, organization, patience or cooking.  Finding our piece and what our piece isn’t frees us up to BE authentic.  We don’t have to be good at everything or do it all.  We are all in this together. Isn’t that freeing?

This quote feels so important to share right now.   “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” -Mother Teresa.  Know that as you live your authentic self in acceptance and JOY, the heavens rise up to meet you and bless you.  We are not rewarded for being martyrs or acting out of guilt.  We are asked to be human and real and choose love over fear as often as we can.

So contemplate what your beautiful piece of the puzzle is in these amazing times and BE it.  I know it fits just perfectly with the rest of ours.  You are loved in your perfection and in your imperfection.  You are so much MORE than enough.

I hope to see you soon but for now shine your big, beautiful light so bright and so will I.

love, love, love you,

Jackie Eaton



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