Summer 2016~ Your Piece of the Peace

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We are being challenged to hold on tight to our hope and faith that all is well despite outward appearances. It is taking all of our power to hold this knowing as the Fear and Love battle throughout humanity, our lives and the airwaves.  How are you doing?  So many are feeling weary as it seems all of our hard work spreading the light has been in vain. This is our fear speaking though, and it is just not true.

Some clarity came to me that I would like to share.  It has been an anchor of hope and peace in the midst of the tumultuous waters of hatred swirling around us. I hope it can bring you peace as well. It came so simply I almost dismissed it as I have heard it so many times before. But this time I heard it differently. Oprah calls it an “aha” moment. I call it a moment of grace as it feels like we become more connected to our Spirit, Creator, Source and each other.

As I felt overwhelmed by how far it appears we have gotten from the Oneness of love, I took a breath. Instead of falling victim to the escalation of negative thoughts, I heard, “Just accept.”  Accept? I could feel resistance. If I could look through the filter of acceptance though, I would be adding light & love to this beautiful planet instead of more anger, frustration and judgment.  My mind wouldn’t be held hostage & whipped about in the collective whirlpool of hatred and the need to defend the importance of kindness and respect for all. My feelings of impatience that we aren’t further along would have to fall away. When I am accepting what is, the peace that washes over me and the burden of resistance that disappears is amazing. I felt it work.

Our aggravation keeps us from our peaceful center which is always where God is.  I accept that I don’t understand all the parts humanity is playing out right now but I take responsibility for my piece of the peace.  I KNOW deep in my heart that all is well despite the outward appearances to the contrary. It seems so much worse because it is not hidden anymore. We can only change what we see.  The saying, we are only as sick as our secrets, is so true.  All the prejudices and division of power have always existed. It just feels amplified because everything is out in the open now and shared instantaneously through our hand held computers.  This is a gift because when we are aware, it can be dealt with and healed. I say YES to that.

At the root of all the pain and suffering on the planet is powerlessness.  We all want to be heard and seen.  If we aren’t receiving the attention of love, we will demand attention through fear and prejudice. We can help by offering our love and peace.  Remember you only need a match to dispel darkness and find your way. We are NOT powerless.  The incredible power of pausing to say in our minds or out loud, “I accept you and offer you love,” is a powerful way to disarm fear and hatred.  In a recent private session with a client, I was shown another simple exercise of visualizing a column of bright light from above flowing down through us and into the crystal center of the earth as an anchor of well being when we feel off balance.  Once you are centered you can vibrate it out from your heart to envelope the whole planet. This prayer says it so well.

I remember Who I am
and serve the Greater Purpose of Life
as One with All That is.
I came here with many other souls
to assist in the expansion of Light
on this living planet Earth.
I accept Love as the guiding beacon of my life
and shine its radiance in every moment.
I am a soul and the sole purpose of my existence is to be All that I Am.   So I will be it.

My soul wants to gather with like minded friends to unite as a force for Love.  I am teaching many workshops over the next few months offering tools of empowerment to remind you of how incredibly supported and loved you are.  The list is here.  I also continue to offer private sessions over the phone and in Cumberland, RI to connect you to your Divine Spirits. Past Life healing, Reiki and individual Coaching sessions are also available. If I can help, feel free to book a session on my online scheduler here.  If it says something about enabling cookies, just email me the appt you would like and I’ll book it.

Until I see you again, join me in offering Acceptance and Love wherever it is needed.  I offer prayers of healing peace each night for all of you, this beautiful planet, all humanity, the animals, plant life, water, all those we love and even those that are hard to love for the greatest good of all. Thank you for walking with me in the light.

love, Love, LOVE you all,

Jackie Eaton


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