May 2013 Newsletter- The Power of Acceptance

hands togetherI had a totally different newsletter planned for this month but need to acknowledge something historical that happened here in RI this week.  This exemplified again for me the triumph of Love over hatred, judgment and fear.  As many of you know, Rhode Island became the 10th state to approve Marriage Equality for all.  I have so many gay and lesbian friends and family members that I have never understood the controversy.   To me they are not gay or lesbian as that focuses on the sexual aspect of their relationship.  I don’t think about any of my friends or family in a sexual way. And more importantly, the God of my understanding, is loving and non-judgmental & encourages love in all its unique expressions.

I am blessed to be surrounded by open minded, loving people most of the time.  I witnessed the opposite of this over the weekend. I went to a Birthday remembrance mass for my brother at my parents Catholic Church.  I haven’t been in a long time as I  struggle with the judgment and shame I hear that is so unlike Jesus’ loving and non-judgmental life.  I felt the warrior rise up within me as this man criticized those I love as though they were murderers and 2nd class citizen.  He asked us to stand in our convictions of marriage between a man and woman only & ranted on and on. 

I took a breathe and channeled my inner Gandhi, to contain my anger and remember the truth.  This priest was speaking from his fear and not personally attacking those I love.  It was his fear of losing control and his narrow minded belief in right and wrong that he was holding so tightly to.  I too have fears that I uncover and know now are BS or faulty Belief Systems.  I softened as I remembered we are all human.  I remembered what our wonderful teacher of peace, Gandhi said, “I like your Christ.  I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  Maybe the priest speaking so harshly could shock some out of the auto-pilot of their own judgments and allow for an expanding, redefining and remembering that it is Love that Jesus taught and not fear.

After the mass my family went to dinner and in front of the door was a car with the license plate JE 777.  I knew it was a sign and validation from the Angels using my initials and the 777, which means they are applauding.  They were proud of me that even though I felt the injustice and anger, I could shift back to the truth which is always love.  I was blessed to go to an Interfaith Ceremony the next day to celebrate Marriage Equality and felt Jesus’ presence so much stronger in that ceremony.  The difference in the energy of the two services was amazing.  At the first one I felt the priest encouraging separateness, shame and even hate.  At the second I felt the most incredible One-ness, love, acceptance and JOY.

There were 14 different religious groups represented that were instrumental in moving acceptance and non-judgment for all forward.  One beautiful woman shared how she had been at this for 25 years and had to put up an “energetic force field” to endure the hatred sent her way every time she went to the State House.  They had to fight for basic rights that we heterosexuals take for granted, like health insurance for their partners, the ability to visit in the hospital or to have children.

It reminded me of how African Americans must have felt when they were freed and women when we were allowed to vote.  There still isn’t complete equality for all of us.  However, every time one of us or many of us stand up for love &  acceptance and open our hearts to embrace someone that looks, speaks, thinks or loves different then us the Christ within us rises up.  We truly are then the Christians that Jesus taught us to be.  I agree with Gandhi, it would be a much more peaceful world if all Christians remembered and followed the unconditional love and acceptance of our great teacher, Christ. 

A 9 year old son of a couple at the Interfaith Ceremony said it well.  He was asked by his moms what marriage equality meant to him.  He said, “It means you’re just parents and I’m not an orphan anymore.”  Amen cutie … you’re a legally viewed family now.  It is so sad that you didn’t feel you were before.  So, as the grass, leaves and flowers bloom this beautiful month of May, let us allow our hearts to open fully as well.  Let’s choose to be compassion and shine our light so brightly instead of adding to the darkness of judgment and isolation.  We are all loved equally by our Creator, always, in All Ways.   

I wish all of us moms whether it be to our own children, pets or to other children, a day to recognize the power of Feminine love.  Mother’s Day is a day for all of us women to honor the Mothering Spirit that dwells in all females.   Allow yourself to be nourished, nurtured and recharged.    If your mom has passed on, I pray that you feel her powerful love on Sunday and know that she is always present.

Love, love, love you,


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