April 2015~ What do I want to add to or be in this moment?

karma quote

How are you feeling these days?  The energy is really swirling especially the last few weeks with the Spring equinox, New Moon & Solar eclipse.  I don’t consciously follow the astrological cycles but am often awakened to them by how I feel. It’s always validating to know why I am feeling energized, depleted or off in some way.

I had been feeling like I was in a race against time even when I didn’t need to rush alternating with the inability to move. I also have had wonderful moments that remind me of floating down a lazy river with everything moving comfortably on course with no time awareness. I enjoy these moments best! Physically I have had weird back & neck pain that comes and go’s. So what is going on? These cycles call us inward to recalibrate with the new energies flowing around & through us to stay balanced.
Spring time also brings the strong pull to clean out & clean up our personal energy, home, shoulds, responsibilities, resentments & relationships. If all that wasn’t enough, we now have the Full moon, a Lunar eclipse, Passover & Easter to add to the cleaning out and blasts of love coming at us.  No wonder our energetic bodies feel like mobiles off kilter at times!
These energy blasts have given me a keen awareness of the parts of my personality that show up with different situations, people or places.  Whether it’s the Self righteous one, Victim or Sabotage-er that wants to be heard or the People Pleaser in me that wants to save the day, I have a space to pause right now.  I ask myself, “What do I want to add to or be in this moment?”  The answer is never fear, judgement, negativity or confusion but always more love.  Those personality roles we play drop away as I sink into my heart and allow it to fill up my mind and body or flow out to another.
Choosing to let go of the job, relationship or object allows someone that needs it or is better suited to be blessed. When we hold tight, the river that is our life wears us down and beats us up.  Staying in the flow, living our authentic purpose without judgment of others or self allows the river or our life to be our friend.  Then we can float in peace and JOY on our wonderful raft, which is our amazing body, to the next beautiful part of our journey. 
I love the quote at the top.  Sometimes what we are holding onto is our need to be right or validated for a past hurt. So much peace happens when we remember Wayne Dyer’s quote after we have space to feel the frustration, anger & sadness.  I have noticed this week that the energetic charge of some old hurts I have wanted to release for a long time are gone as well. Thank you powerful energy blasts from the sky!
I pray that your ride through these energy shifts is a gentle one and as you bump up against resistance you can soften into it and add more love.  May your April be wonder filled, peace filled, be-you-till-full blessed with sunshine to warm you, rain to wash away your worries & fears and rainbows to remind you of our Creator’s eternal grace.  If I can be of help, let me know. I am here floating beside you on this gentle flowing, sometimes racing river of love and JOY that is our human journey.
Love, love, love every one of you,
Jackie Eaton xoxoxo

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